Established in 1978
The Community Services Agency of South Texas, Inc, commonly known in the community as CSA, was incorporated in April 1965. CSA is a private organization incorporated in the state of Texas and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 C 3 non-profit organization. CSA was organized as a Community Action Agency under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.
In the sixty (60) year history of the organization a wide array of programs has been implemented in the rural communities of the target area. In the field of early childhood education CSA implemented a Head Start Program in the four-county area of Dimmit, LaSalle, Maverick and Frio Counties. In the area of Housing CSA has implanted a HOME housing rehabilitation program in partnership with the City of Big Wells, the City of Asherton, and LaSalle County. The Housing Preservation Grant Program funded by the U.S. Dept of Agriculture has provided home repairs in the four-county area (Dimmit, LaSalle, Maverick and Frio). CSA continues to provide handicap accessibility home repairs with the Housing Preservation Grant Program.
CSA implanted a home repair program in the Kickapoo Indian Reservation. Currently CSA has four elderly rental housing programs for the elderly in Carrizo Springs, Asherton, Encinal and Pearsall. Three of those projects were funded by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and one project was funded by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a 202 Elderly Rental Assistance Project.
The agency implemented a first-time home buyer assistance program which helped about 30 families with the purchase of a new home. CSA implemented the Weatherization Assistance Program funded by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the nine-county region known as the Middle Rio Grande region. CSA in partnership with the Frontier AEP Weatherization has worked with local housing authorities to replace aging and outdated HVAC systems to provide energy savings to the low-income tenants.
The Frontier Program has helped low-income families with the replacement of HVAC systems in their homes. In partnership with the Frontier program CSA installed solar panels in all of the elderly apartments at Villa de Reposo Carrizo Springs. In partnership with the County of Dimmit, CSA implements the Elderly Nutrition Program. The meals on wheels program covers Carrizo Springs, Asherton, Catarina, Big Wells and Carrizo Hills.
A congregate feeding site at the elderly nutrition building provides socialization, good will and a meal for many senior citizens. The CSA Elderly Nutrition center sponsors the annual Senior Fun Day which brings together the elderly nutrition centers from nine counties for a day of fun, socialization, health information and screenings, dance contests and a celebration of the Older Americans Act.CSA bult a homeless shelter in Carrizo Springs which eventually became a shelter for victims of domestic violence. Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers have received assistance from the agency. Coordination and the building of partnerships with other nonprofits and public agencies (municipal governments, county governments, and school districts) throughout the region has been an important goal of the organization. Those partnerships are important to maximize the utilization of resources to make a greater impact on the clients being served.
This is our history. This is who we are. We have a proud tradition in our service area, and we are committed to the implementation of our Mission Statement: To Serve As A Catalyst To Utilize Available Resources To Improve The Quality of Lives In Our Communities. Our work continues and our history and legacy will continue to grow. On June 28, 2024, in Partnership with the Dimmit County Commissioners Court a ribbon cutting ceremony was held to inaugurate a new Dimmit County Building which will house the Dimmit County / CSA Elderly Nutrition Center and the CSA Administrative Offices.
The CSA Board of Directors are Francisco Ponce, Board Chair, Carrizo Springs; Alicia Martinez, Carrizo Springs; Adalberto Bosquez, Asherton; Dora Gonzales, Cotulla; and Sylvano Sanchez, Encinal.
The mission of the agency is : "To Serve as a Catalyst to Utilize Available Resources To Improve the Quality of Life in Our Communities."
The agency sees itself as a vehicle to seek resources at the local level, state level, federal level or private enterprises to address the needs of the community. The Board of Directors provides the necessary governance to assure all resources are utilized in the most efficient manner.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Our Physical Location is 1701 N. 9th Street in Carrizo Springs, TX 78834
1701 N. 9th Street, Carrizo Springs
(830) 876-5219, (830) 876-5210, Fax: 830-876-5280, E-Mail
Mon. thru Fri. : 8am - 5pm (Closed 12:00 to 1:00 P.M. for Lunch)
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed